Monday, May 08, 2006

An Old friend

It is always a very pleasant experience to meet an old friend, share old memories and reminisce about those carefree days. I had one of my very old friends (known him for almost 13 years now) come in to meet me today. We spent the whole day chatting and talking about a lot of stuff from Ramayana, Mahabharata to what causes an AC to drip! It just felt like the old times .........

At the end of it all, I think that there are some people whom no matter after how long you meet, it feels like you have known them all the time whereas there are those whom even if you meet them everyday, it feels like you dont know them at all. I am happier with just a couple of the former than a 100 of the latter. Hope I can make at least a couple of such friends at ISB ......


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Yi Bhopal said...

That was quick Veera!! I just posted it a minute ago.


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