Sunday, June 04, 2006

What happens after studying Game theory too long ...

Since I dont have enough time to post something new, I thought I should post this series of mails runing in our section. This was after people had been studying Eco (Game theory), Marketing, Accounts, etc for long for the finals. BTW, for the uninitiated, the prof always uses examples of widgets, SOMA, poiuyts, qwerts to illustrate his example. Read on ....

I’ve lost a widget while traveling from LEFT to RIGHT. If anybody happens to find it, please let me know. SOMA treat is assured.

What colour is it?? Blue or Red???

Any differentiation guys?

Don’t bother… ISB is competitive.. you’ll find another one at the lowest cost here.. JJ

Fortunately, I found lots of widgets today!! Unfortunately, they are all either Red or Blue in color. If yours was any of this color, please meet me tomorrow at 3:30 PM in the Rec-centre and collect the same. However, I accept only AMOS in return, no SOMA please!!

I have a green widget! I have a green widget!! Now I am differentiated.

THE RP of junta for a green and other color widgets is zero…so quit OR grow your market using 4Ps 5Cs 7 Ms 12Xs 100Fs and so on..

Kamlesh I found your widget, but I’m on left side and your distance to my side is more than (1 – D) Better Integrate vertically with your manufacturer and produce a new one

It can be reported as LOSS on (non)disposal…that should settle the matter…

The eco toppers are definitely going to be from sec d, we have all learnt our lessons well……….errr maybe not. Remember what the prof said…”You should not give incentive to the rival firm to enter the market…….when u let one spamming firm enter the market, all the other spamming firms will follow and you will loose your MONOPOLY position…..prices will fall to MC………………………………..errr on second thoughts… accommodation better in some cases?????Time to get back to the books guys!!!!!!!!! J

One firm on the fringe was monitoring the market, waiting for a first move I guess..??

What about my Poiuyts & Qwerts??? Am I out of the market or am I differentiated?

The mails died after this ........ I guess people got their frustration out and are now immersed back in their books.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extremely funny post. Keep writing

At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.


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